"Asahi"Kubota Manjyu Junmai Daiginjo|"朝日"久保田 萬壽 純米大吟釀|"朝日"久保田 萬寿 純米大吟醸|1800ml
Packing : 1800ml|Bt
※ Packing Size : 6Bt|Ct
KUBOTA's flagship, a premium Junmai Daiginjo. The complex, pleasant flavor and flawless balance is crafted with expert brewing techniques. It has a floral, refined aroma that is in perfect harmony with the clean, silky and smooth texture. Recommended to serve slightly chilled or warmed to establish the presence of taste.
Brewery|Winery : Asahi Shuzo Sake Brewing
Brand : Kubota
Prefecture : Niigata
Type : Junmai Daiginjo
Tasting & Style : Sake
Rice|Ingredients : Gohyakumangoku・Rice from Niigata
Rice Polishing Ratio : 50%・33%
Sake Meter Value(SMV) : +2.0
Acidity Level : 1.2
Alcohol by Volume % : 15%
Serving : Chilled, Room Temperature
酒蔵|ワイナリー : 朝日酒造
銘柄 : 久保田
県|地域 : 新潟
種類 : 純米大吟醸
スタイル : 日本酒
原料米|原材料 : 五百万石・新潟産米
精米歩合 : 50%・33%
日本酒度 : +2.0
酸度 : 1.2
アルコール度 : 15%
飲み方|温度 : 冷やして, 常温