About Us / 会社概要

About Marche


I have lived in Hong Kong for more than 30 years and worked in the Japanese food industry. Nowadays Japanese food has been accepted by Hong Kong locals. We see so many Japanese style restaurants all over the city. I am amazed by the number of these places.

Since there are so many gastronomes in Hong Kong, I always wanted to supply Japanese food products. In 2009 I opened the Marche Online Store.
We are excited to deliver what Japanese eat at home to households in Hong Kong. We pursue excellence for people of Hong Kong for even better Japanese taste, so everyone can enjoy around the table.

Marche Online Store   Managing Director Miki Iijima

Why Marche Online Store?

1. Trustworthiness

    Our staff has worked in the Japanese food industry in Hong Kong for a long time. We              speak Japanese and treat our customers as if you were in Japan. And most of all our              first priority is the trustworthiness.

2. Fresh Products at Reasonable Prices

    The parent company of Marche Online Store is a Japanese wholesaler handling                        Japanese food. We can deliver fresh products quicker than other shops.

3. Free Delivery

    Our delivery staff bring the products directly to your home.

4. Cash On Delivery

    You can pay without any worries when we deliver to your door.

5. Customer Service on the Phone

    From Monday to Saturday, 9am to 9pm, you can order or make inquiries.




私は香港在住 3年以上になり、ずっと日本食関係の仕事に携わってきました。





 マルシェ代表  飯島 美喜


1. 「信用第一」の精神で

    マルシェの社員は香港の日本食業界での長年のキャリアを持っています。 日本語を話            し、 日本的な対応で、常にお客様から信頼いただくことを第一に考えております。

2. 商品は新鮮でリーズナブルな価格

    マルシェ・オンラインストアの親会社は日本食品の卸会社です。 他の店舗には負けない        新鮮な食品を素早くお客様のお宅へお届けしております。

3. 無料宅配


4. キャッシュ・オン・デリバリー


5. お電話でのご対応

    月曜日から土曜日、午前9時~午後9時迄、お電話でのご注文やご質問を歓迎いたして        おります。