"Satsuma"Kannoko Mugishochu|"薩摩"神之河 麥燒酎|"薩摩"神の河 麥焼酎|720ml
Packing : 720ml|Bt
※ Packing Size : 6Bt|Ct
This premium Shochu is made from 100% select barley. Kannoko, which means 'river protected by the gods' in Kagoshima dialect, is the named after a stream in South Kagoshima. Kannoko has rich and mellow flavor with fragrant aroma. Kannoko's amber color comes naturally from the oak barrel aging process for 3 years. All natural ingredients. No additives.
Brewery|Winery : Satsuma Shuzo
Brand : Kurokirishima
Prefecture : Kagoshima
Type : Barley Shochu
Tasting & Style : Shochu
Ingredients : Barley・Barley Koji
Alcohol by Volume % : 25%
Serving : Straight, On-the rocks, Mixed with soda, Mixed with water
酒蔵|ワイナリー : 薩摩酒造
銘柄 : 神の河
県|地域 : 鹿児島
種類 : 麦焼酎
スタイル : 焼酎
原材料 : 麦・麦麹
アルコール度 : 25%
飲み方|温度 : ストレート, オンザロック, ソーダー割り, 水割り