"Shirataki"Jozen Mizuno Gotoshi Junmai Daiginjo(Blue)|"白瀧"上善如水 純米大吟釀(藍色)|"白瀧"上善如水 純米大吟醸(藍色)|720ml
Packing : 720ml|Bt
※ Packing Size : 12Bt|Ct
Powerful and dignified showing Jozen’s integrity and sincerity.
We make this Junmai Daiginjo sake with floral notes of cantaloupe and nectarine.
Indigo offers balanced grain sweetness and a velvet like texture with a light breeze of umami. Quiet fruity elements nestled in different layers create a complex landscape of flavor. Our pristine spring water nourishes these elements and tells our story one sip at a time.
Brewery|Winery : Shirataki Sake Brewery
Brand : Jozen Mizuno Gotashi
Prefecture : Niigata
Type : Junmai Daiginjo
Tasting & Style : Sake
Rice|Ingredients : Domestically Produced Rice
Rice Polishing Ratio : 45%
Sake Meter Value(SMV) : +2.0
Acidity Level : 1.5
Alcohol by Volume % : 15~16%
Serving : Chilled, Room Temperature, Warm
酒蔵|ワイナリー : 白瀧酒造
銘柄 : 上善如水
県|地域 : 新潟
種類 : 純米大吟醸
スタイル : 日本酒
原料米|原材料 : 国産米
精米歩合 : 45%
日本酒度 : +2.0
酸度 : 1.5
アルコール度 : 15~16%
飲み方|温度 : 冷やして, 常温, ぬる燗