About Member Registration / 会員登録について
Member Registration
Upon purchasing at Marche Online Store, you will be "Registered as a Member". Please be sure to confirm "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy" when registering.
At Marche Online Store, we provide the member rank program according to the purchase amount. Benefits such as discount rates of merchandise and e-magazine coupons are available to each member rank. New registered member will be ranked as "Regular Member".
Membership Tiers Benefits
Customer member rank is decided by the sum amount of the purchases in past.
● Platinum Membership : HK$10,000 or more. You can purchase with a 10% discount of the normal price.
● Gold Membership : HK$5,000 or more. You can purchase with a 5% discount of the normal price.
● Regular Membership : You can purchase at the normal price.
● プラチナメンバー:HK$10,000以上の購入。商品を通常価格から10%引きでご購入いただ けます。
● ゴールドメンバー:HK$5,000以上の購入。商品を通常価格から5%引きでご購入いただけ ます。
● レギュラーメンバー:通常価格でのご購入になります。